Fifty years of RE/MAX calls for a celebration – and there’s no better place to mark the occasion than the 2023 RE/MAX R4. The annual RE/MAX R4 convention will bring together affiliates from more than 61 countries around the world for networking, learning, referrals, and friendship. Veteran real estate professionals and newer agents alike benefit by attending the brand’s flagship event.

Bigger than ever before, the 2023 RE/MAX R4 will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino from February 27 to March 1.

2023 RE/MAX R4

To celebrate 50 years of RE/MAX in 2023, check out these 50 reasons to attend R4:

1. Build a referral pipeline

A key way to build a sturdy referral pipeline is by connecting with real estate professionals from other markets. Many RE/MAX agents credit the annual RE/MAX R4 for helping them form lasting connections.

2. Hear from world-class speakers

The speaker lineup at this year’s R4 includes RE/MAX leadership – like Co-Founder Dave Liniger and President and CEO Nick Bailey – as well as TV celebrities, professional athletes, inspirational motivators, real estate coaches, and more.

3. Celebrate 50 years of RE/MAX

2023 marks 50 years of the RE/MAX brand. In honor of this milestone, the 2023 RE/MAX R4 – bigger than ever before – will be the epicenter of the network’s 50-year celebration.

4. Harness social media for building business

R4 is the perfect place to learn new social media strategy that can be implemented into business right away. Sessions like “Instagram Workshop” and “TikTok101” – both on Monday – will dive into the continually evolving digital landscape and are beneficial for social media gurus and newcomers alike.

5. Learn from top industry coaches

Throughout R4, renowned industry coaches like Wayne Fredrick, Jared James and Judy LaDeur will share their best strategies for business growth, lead conversion, and more.

6. Prepare for MAX/TechSM powered by kvCORE

Get hands-on help from tech trainers on the all-new MAX/Tech powered by kvCORE platform.

7. Leverage RE/MAX marketing tools

From Megaphone to Photofy to RE/MAX Hustle graphics and more, RE/MAX offers a multitude of ways for agents to create custom advertisements and market themselves online. During R4, tune in to the “Building a Brand Marketing Strategy with RE/MAX Technology” session on Tuesday.

8. Refresh education

New and tenured real estate agents alike can benefit from continuing education. With factors like changing housing market patterns, consumer trends, and social media apps, it’s best to stay up to date in each facet of business.

9. Celebrate a career milestone

Rejoice in all things real estate alongside fellow professionals at R4. Use this time to brush up on education, meet new people, and recharge for more success ahead.

10. Reunite with friends (and make new ones!)

Agents from around the world meet or reunite at the annual R4. Reconnect with familiar affiliates and create new memories with colleagues you’ve just met.


11. Hear from the RE/MAX Co-Founder

During Monday’s Opening General Session, attendees will hear timely remarks and wit from Dave Liniger, RE/MAX Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board.

12. Groove to favorite music groups during the Welcome Reception

Reimagined this year with a through-the-decades theme, Monday’s Welcome Reception will feature performances by big-name artists. Click here to find out who’s performing.

13. Learn from those who have been in the business longer

Calling all real estate rookies! Connect with – and learn best practices from – fellow agents who have a solid track record of conducting business through different markets.

14. Meet fellow RE/MAX affiliates

From real estate to hobbies and interests, passions are on display and attendees are sure to connect with others who share interests and expertise.

15. Reenergize your business

Past attendees can attest: The energy at R4 is booming. Learn new strategies and get motivated for success ahead.

16. Find international referrals

Attend Tuesday’s Global Referral Exchange event to meet RE/MAX affiliates from all around the world, celebrate other cultures, and establish new business connections. Plus, the Monday session “How to Capture Additional Revenue with International Referrals” will teach affiliates how to leverage the global presence of RE/MAX for business growth.

17. Jam during RE/MAX R4 Fun Night

Ready to enjoy world-class entertainment? Click here to find out who’s performing on Wednesday’s RE/MAX R4 Fun Night.

18. Celebrate RE/MAX Special Awards

The 2023 R4 features three primary awards events. The awards ceremonies take place leading up to and during R4, and will include some fun new twists. Learn more about R4 awards events.

19. Support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

A longstanding tradition at R4, the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Live Auction and Ice Cream Social on Monday will bring affiliates together to support the RE/MAX brand’s longtime charitable partner.

20. Visit Las Vegas

Ever dreamed of visiting the biggest city in Nevada? In addition to being the hub for the 2023 RE/MAX R4, Las Vegas is home to a vibrant culture, stellar entertainment, dining, and more. (And, of course, you’ll find more than a few options for gaming action).

2023 RE/MAX R4

21. Explore how to start a team

The team structure can present opportunity for serious business growth for both members and leaders. Agents looking to start a team of their own can benefit from attending the “Create an All-Star Team” session on Monday. Plus, don’t miss the “Building Your Team with MAX/Tech Powered by kvCORE” session on Wednesday to learn how the latest technology supports teams.

22. Learn strategy for growing a team

Current and aspiring team leaders looking to take business to new heights can benefit from the Monday session “Power in Numbers: Team Structure That Fuels Success” and the Tuesday session “Build and Set Your Team Up for Efficiency and Success,” both of which explore ways to make it all work.

23. Connect with RE/MAX Approved Suppliers

Stop by the RE/MAX Approved Suppliers MarketPlace – held each day of the convention – to meet trusted, vetted vendors for services, supplies, products, and technology.

24. Create stronger listing presentations

Looking to stop consumers from scrolling in their tracks? Multiple sessions – like Tuesday’s “Unpack Your Own Listing Presentation” (taught by Jordan Cohen, the No. 1 RE/MAX agent in the world!) and Wednesday’s “Elevate your Luxury Listing’s Appeal” – promote next-level listing strategies.

25. Get inspired by others

RE/MAX empowers affiliates to build business their own way. During R4, seek inspiration from – and exchange ideas with – thousands of other real estate entrepreneurs finding their own avenues of success.

26. Dive into the culture of the RE/MAX network

The RE/MAX network upholds a strong culture of support for one another. By learning alongside thousands of like-minded professionals, R4 attendees experience the electric energy of the annual event.

27. Expand diversity in homeownership

Multiple R4 sessions aim to expand diversity in homeownership. Check out the “Diversifying Homeownership: Women, Millennials and Minorities” and “Serving a Diverse World” sessions, both happening on Tuesday.

28. Develop a personal brand

Monday’s panel “Stepping Out. Owning Your Personal Promotion” will teach applicable, creative ways to leverage a digital presence and solidify a personal brand.

29. Get comfortable with video

Video is all the rage for fostering a trustworthy online presence. Head to Monday’s “Video Boot Camp” session to learn how video can supercharge your marketing.

30. Improve skills as a buyer’s agent

Looking to help more buyer clients? Attend Monday’s “Buyers are Ready! Become a Better Buyers Agent and Win” session to learn tips specific to that side of the transaction.


31. Create tradition

For many RE/MAX agents, attending R4 is tradition. Learn why this agent has attended R4 for 10 straight years – and wouldn’t miss it for anything.

32. Expand business in commercial real estate

Looking to increase your business in the commercial real estate sector? Attend the “Best Practices of a Commercial Top Producer” session on Monday, hosted by top RE/MAX Commercial producers.

33. Attend exclusive pre-convention sessions

On February 26 – one day before R4 officially starts – there are a plethora of fee-based courses affiliates can sign up for. Topics include launching MAX/Tech powered by kvCORE, earning the Pricing Strategies Advisor designation, and more.

34. Get out of your comfort zone

Nervous about attending R4 alone? Don’t be! Plenty of agents share that attending the event solo led to new perspectives, strong friendships, and referral opportunities.

35. Find community both pre- and post-event

Many RE/MAX affiliates agree the networking can begin online before heading to Las Vegas. Some take to social media and join the RE/MAX R4 Facebook group to meet others heading to the event.

36. Easily navigate the event with the RE/MAX R4 app

Approaching R4, download the 2023 RE/MAX R4 app, a convenient way to follow the schedule and plan which sessions to attend during the convention.

37. Hit your 10,000 step goal – by lunchtime

From attending RE/MAX sessions at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino to exploring Las Vegas, past attendees agree: Bring comfy shoes and prepare to get those steps in.

38. Learn about local housing markets around the world

Curious how real estate works overseas? Trade stories and tips with members of the global RE/MAX network for a broader perspective.

39. Swap RE/MAX swag

Many agents who attend R4 bring business cards, stickers, and more to swap with fellow attendees and make themselves stand out.

40. Meet fellow REALTORS® nearby

Some affiliates travel a far distance just to meet fellow RE/MAX agents from nearby to their hometown.

2023 RE/MAX R4

41. Take notes to come back to at another time

During every R4, affiliates gather an abundance of useful and timely information. With so much strategy being shared, it’s helpful to take notes you can reference after the event.

42. Escape cold weather

Those who live farther north (looking at you, Canada!) may enjoy a reprieve from cold wintertime temperatures. Las Vegas tends to have a mild climate year-round, with plenty of sunshine.

43. Meet people from more than 61 countries

RE/MAX affiliates travel to R4 from continents away. Meet fellow agents from more than 61 different countries around the world.

44. Gear up before the spring selling season

In many locales, springtime often brings a boost to housing market activity. Ahead of what could be a busy spring and summer, head to R4 to prepare – and even implement new measures.

45. Travel for work

Real estate is a local profession – not one that typically has agents traveling far distances for work. Looking for a reason to travel? Head to R4!

46. Bolster leadership skills

Agents, Broker/Owners, Managers, and Team Leaders alike can benefit from continually improving leadership skills. Tuesday’s “Leading with a Growth Mindset” session will focus on strong leadership through any housing market conditions. Broker/Owners specifically can learn important takeaways from Tuesday’s “Leading Your Brokerage into The Future” session.

47. Better understand consumer needs

The Monday session “Mastering Personas to Master Your Market” is dedicated to attaining a better grasp on the needs of real estate consumers in today’s changing housing market.

48. Start using the First app

A session on Monday – “Increasing Your Productivity + Win More Deals with First” – is dedicated to helping agents optimize the First app, a RE/MAX exclusive that uses intuitive artificial intelligence to help create and maintain client relationships.

49. Craft a stronger business plan

Looking for tips on carrying a successful business through any economy? Catch the Wednesday panel “A Challenging Market Requires Proper Business Planning” to learn best business planning strategy.

50. Treat yourself

The holiday season may have passed, but it’s never too late to give yourself a gift – like registration to R4! You deserve it!

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Written by LEAH CURTIS 

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