It’s time to think differently about the logos, wordmarks, trademarks and signs unveiled at the Broker Owner Conference last month. After all, they’re no longer the “refreshed” or “updated” versions of the network’s most valuable branding elements.

As of today (September 20, 2017), they’re the brand’s “official” logos, wordmarks, trademarks and signs.

Bright, modern, clean and ideal for today’s digital world, the new designs reflect a bold, fresh brand and the professionals who use it.

With a global network of 115,000 entrepreneurs, it will take some time for the new look to fully replace the “legacy” version. But it will happen. In fact, the transition – or “flip,” as some are calling it – is already underway and gaining momentum every day.

Consider these numbers:

• Well over 10,000 yard signs – residential, commercial and luxury – have been ordered from Approved Suppliers via the Marketing Portal on MAX/Center.

• That Marketing Portal, where affiliates can access graphics and highly discounted products for their own marketing flip, drew over 60,000 visits in its first four weeks.

• On social media, reaction to the new designs has been overwhelmingly positive – and the energy grows as more and more affiliates post their photos of the new look in action.

 Although offices and agents can phase out or use up their legacy materials over time, they’re encouraged to make the transition as soon as they can. After all, the official branding is what potential buyers and sellers will see on TV, on Facebook, in digital ads, on billboards, and elsewhere – being connected to it is a major competitive advantage.

Especially now, because the brand has never looked better.

Here’s what everyone’s been saying on social: 


Written by RE/MAX News 

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