Seth Mattison, CEO of Future Sight Labs, wants entrepreneurs to be prepared for unprecedented changes to their business at all times. His work, he says, is dedicated to helping others master the art of knowing what to do when they don’t know what to do.

On this week’s episode of the Start With a Win podcast, Mattison joins RE/MAX Holdings CEO Adam Contos to share his best advice for business owners and leaders maintaining normalcy and evolving with consumer demand during uncertain times.

Focusing his research on the future of work, Mattison believes the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed new opportunities for leaders to revamp skills, expand business and cater to evolving customer trends.

“COVID has essentially served as an accelerant to all of the trends we have been tracking. One of the biggest transformations organizations went through, that [Adam] alluded to, is that they got thrust into a 100% remote environment,” he says.

As businesses slowly return to brick and mortar, Mattison warns leaders to avoid returning to pre-COVID practices just because they are comfortable. Instead, adapt to accommodate all types of experiences modern consumers desire.

He also advises not letting fear get in the way of taking chances that lead to innovation. Leaders face a unique struggle where they are expected to project confidence but also gain trust through authenticity and transparency. Striking a balance between these traits can be especially difficult under irregular business circumstances.

“Once I got myself whole, then I was in a position to be able to pour into other people. So, I think part of the lesson here for leaders is: How fast can you get yourself to bounce back?” Mattison says.

“The routines, rituals, habits, communities – the things that you put around yourself in times of plenty and abundance – [prepare] you for when the storms come so that you can get through them,” he adds.

In the remainder of 2021, Mattison believes that heart-based leadership, or leading with emotion, is going to be the key to fostering stronger connections, growing in new directions and avoiding defaulting back to pre-COVID comfort zones.

Tune in to this week’s podcast episode to hear more advice from Mattison, including the importance of learning agility and maintain agency, for continual success when leading a business.

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