As a dedicated real estate agent, Colleen Collier wouldn’t miss the opportunity to help new clients. She wouldn’t miss the chance to mastermind with fellow agents. And, she wouldn’t miss the annual RE/MAX R4 convention – it’s been a staple in her business plan for over a decade.

Collier, an agent with RE/MAX Plus in Buffalo, New York, will be attending her 11th R4 in 2023. She credits the premier annual event for the plethora of invaluable connections she’s made over the years.

The upcoming R4 – February 27 to March 1 at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada – will be packed with world-class speakers, educational courses, technology insights, networking opportunities, business-building strategies, and more. Best of all, R4 in 2023 will celebrate 50 years of RE/MAX, generating as much vibrant energy as ever before.

2023 RE/MAX R4

Creating a tradition

Collier was first inspired to attend the 2013 R4, after agents in her RE/MAX office talked about the benefits of getting outside your routine for a few days and learning new perspectives from fellow professionals. Her colleagues were preparing to attend R4 and Collier decided to tag along and check it out.

“My experience going to R4 over the years has evolved,” Collier says. “The first year I went, I dove in and went to every single session – I didn’t miss a class. Now, I continue to go to the classes for their educational value, but I’ve also realized the networking opportunities are extremely important. That has really changed my business.”


Collier describes attending R4 as an “energy boost” for business. The educational sessions are a premier opportunity to learn new skills, adopt new marketing practices, and better understand RE/MAX technology offerings. She notes her excitement to learn more about the new MAX/Tech powered by kvCORE technology platform at the 2023 R4.

Making powerful connections

The relationships Collier has created and nurtured at R4 give her a bustling referral pipeline throughout the U.S. and Canada.

“Right now, about a third of my business comes from agent referrals. It’s not necessarily always the agents that I meet at R4 – sometimes it’s a person they know that they introduce me to,” Collier says.

“In the past three years, I’ve developed an amazing support system through R4,” she continues. “It’s great that I know agents in Denver, for example, that I can talk to you and be like, ‘Hey, what’s going on with the market in your area?’ A friend of mine explained to me how iBuyers are working there, and while I don’t have iBuyers in my marketplace, it’s nice to know what could be coming here in the future.”

She wants other RE/MAX affiliates – especially those who have never attended R4 before – to know they shouldn’t fear going into the event without knowing anyone.

“One of the misconceptions agents have is that they need to know people before they get to R4,” Collier shares. “But they don’t – because the RE/MAX community is so welcoming. You can make friends from talking to a RE/MAX agent in the elevator. Or even just grabbing lunch in the food court. When someone is randomly looking for a spot, be like, “Hey, I’ve got an extra seat here if you want to join me!’

“I met an amazing agent from Alaska at last year’s R4 because we were there for the pre-conference classes and I had room at my table. We ended up hanging out all week together.”

R4 has become a critical component for Collier’s real estate business – and the relationships it’s created are irreplaceable, she believes.

Looking for more information about the 2023 RE/MAX R4? Check out the event agenda details and register today.

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Written by LEAH CURTIS 

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