When Anthony Iovino helped choose a name for the real estate brokerage he co-owns, he knew “RE/MAX Community” was the best fit. After all, Iovino – based in Williamstown, New Jersey – has a passion for helping his community.


Over the years, this has taken shape through his brokerage participating in charity events, hosting donation drives, and more. His latest endeavor: a playground construction project in the center of town. The idea was inspired by Iovino’s son, Finn.

Finn was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at an early age, prompting Iovino and his family to navigate the world in ways that help Finn thrive. Iovino has seen firsthand that many play structures and recreational opportunities aren’t optimized for inclusivity.

In partnership with the local Monroe Township government, Iovino is heading up the initiative to build an inclusive playground that children of all abilities can enjoy.

“We are incorporating accessible equipment that allows children who use wheelchairs to enjoy playground features and have fun. And we will also have a lot of different sensory stations throughout the playground. It will include a sensory maze with textured walls, musical instruments, like drums and bells, and more,” Iovino shares.

“Color is a really important feature here, too, and we’re going to try to make it as colorful and engaging as possible. The goal is to create a place that provides a wide array of sensory feedback to kids.”

Inclusive design expands beyond the playground structure itself. Iovino is making sure to implement concrete pathways around the park to encourage people of all ages and all mobility levels can get outdoors with their families, enjoy fresh air, and soak in the sunshine.

This accessible playground is one of the first initiatives led by Finn’s Friends, the Autism Awareness organization Iovino founded to help others understand the condition.

“I always get involved with the town’s annual Autism Awareness Day, but last year, I wanted to take it to another level and find new ways to raise awareness for autism all year round. That’s when I decided to created Finn’s Friends,” Iovino shares. “When it comes to understanding autism and helping children thrive, some families feel overwhelmed and can benefit from being a part of a likeminded community.”


Helping others through real estate

For Iovino, being a community leader and a real estate brokerage leader go hand in hand. He shares that he recently helped a local family, with a child on the autism spectrum, find their new home.

“I’ve seen firsthand how customers who have family members with autism are happy to be working with someone who can relate to their needs on a personal level,” Iovino says. “Not only do we bond over our similar experiences, but I also like to help them out with any of my own recommendations for sports programs, music programs, and anything similar that I know has been a great opportunity for Finn.”

According to Iovino, he’s not alone in his mission to change lives through real estate. The RE/MAX Community office is filled with professionals who share his passion for the area and its residents.

“We’re selective on who we bring into the office. We officially have 50 agents, and they are all incredible producers. But they also all get involved in community initiatives because they truly care about the place we live and work,” Iovino says. “They attend events for Finn’s Friends, I attend events for the local organizations they partake in, and altogether, we find so many unique ways to give back. We’re lucky to have such an amazing group of people here.”

“I’m on a mission to help create a more accessible world – and right now, my first step is by leading the charge on this new playground,” he continues. “It’s so important for all children to enjoy a place where kids can truly be kids.”

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Written by LEAH CURTIS 

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